Covid-19 In Malaysia: The Quick Checklist of a Survivor’s Guide

covide-19 virus in Malaysia

Covid-19 for lack of a better term, is really an unpleasant surprise to all of us. With the recent official announcement made by the Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin on the restricted movement order, it caught a lot of people by surprise but nevertheless a necessary one.

By now, almost all of us Malaysians already knew the implications of such announcement, being in sort of a curfew state for about 14 days beginning from 18th March 2020. But this is not what we really want to hear. We want to understand what would typically a person with a mentality of a survivor does to weather through in such situations like this.

Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?

Prepare Ample Amount of Food Supplies

Turn on the news and you will see tons of panicked buyers rushing to grocery stores and shopping malls to buy whatever they can grab, which mostly ended up simply buying unnecessary items.

Follow these simple steps and not only you will buy the right kind, it will last you pretty long to dine at home:

  1. Go for staple foods that are tummy-filling and long lasting. Example: Rice, wheat, oats, dried noodles and more
  2. Get long expiry items that are easy to carry. Example: Canned foods, dried fruits and more
  • Some indulgences for occasional treats. Example: Instant noodles, instant hot drink mixes like 3-in-1 coffee, biscuits, and more

Of course, it would be great if we still can enjoy a balanced diet like meats and vegetables. Be always mindful though that most of these are perishable goods hence it must be consumed within certain amount of time. A typical survivor would always assume the worst, in the sense that they anticipate to only dine at home at all times without frequent visit to grocery stores.

Be Prepared With Emergency Items

Imagine if we are really in a lockdown, with more important places possibly closed or very congested with people such as clinics and hospitals. Inevitably you would try your best to avoid crowded places before you get infected with Covid-19.

The big question is: What if you fall sick for suspected diseases other than Covid-19, yet you are wary of whether to go to the clinic/hospital?

Keep some basic household medications such as pain killers (paracetamol, ibuprofren), cough syrups and antihistamines for allergies. You will definitely need them one day.

One of the most important items you should have that most people often underestimate it is to have big sized water containers at home. In some states in Malaysia, water shortages/disruptions can be quite common. You will hate it when this happens, especially during the Covid-19 season!

Seriously, Just Stay At Home!

The recent announcement, coupled with the message to urge all of us to stay at home is an international step to curb the spread of Covid-19.

As the symptoms can be quite challenging to be diagnosed, this measure is implemented so that everyone, including those that might have contracted the virus to have self-isolation or household isolation for 14 days. 14 days is the incubation period for coronavirus; people who remain well after 14 days are unlikely to be infectious.

And during the isolation period, practise good hygiene ie. wash your hands often, cover your coughs & sneezes and try not to go outside of your home unless it is really necessary and urgent.

You Have Nothing To Lose, Only To Gain

Covid-19 might not be the outbreak that we deserved. Whether we like it or not, it is a stark reminder for us to be well prepared for any emergency situations.

Sure, the ignorant ones may laugh at us who bought tons of rice bags and all sorts of groceries, like it is almost the end of the world. Some of our friends, peers or even family members might call us a paranoid for keeping too much stuff, probably way more than 14 days’ worth of use.

If it is way more than 14 days though, who will be the ones that will be caught off-guard? And if it really isn’t as bad as it is, what do you have to lose?

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